Most Trusted Programs - AKA Presidential Planet Management Programs Stress ECO Friendly - People Friendly Fuel-Energy Options such as Hydroelectric - Solar - Bio-Fuels/Natural Gas - Electric, etc. Inappropriate Use of Dangerous Energy/Fuels is a Problem of From Governmental and Societal Corruption Resulting In Former President William Jefferson Clinton's Administration, US Congress , and Cabinet To Unconstitutionally Disallow Citizenry's Private Vehicles Into The National Park System. Just Because A Certain Technology Is Available Does Not Mean It Is Prudent to Use It. - Silvia Stagg - Silvia Stagg For President Campaign Committee - 1101 Brickell Ave #310223 Miami Fl 33231
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Together, We an Overcome True Anarchy In These United States of America and the World! Your Donations Are Needed For Silvia Stagg Federal Victim-Witness On National Security Issues and Republican Presidential Candidate Write-In/Independent.
- Silvia Stagg
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Priceless Photographs-Pastels
by Mrs. Haag's Former Fiance' George Maillard Kesslere
See: Endangered Species Act
One Million Species Threatened With Extinction!
Above Polar Bears Threatened with Global Warming!
702 H Street, NW STE 300, Washington D.C. 20001 - 1-800-722-6995
2016 MDC Presentation by Silvia Stagg
Our Endangered Wildlife!
'Major Contamination and Pollution Problems of USA - World'
FIU 2018 EVR Presentation by Silvia Stagg
Part Two - World Pollution: Toxicity - Chemical Toxicity
2018 FIU EVR LAB Solar Presentation
by Silvia Stagg
2017 Presentation
MY PUERTO RICO by Silvia Stagg
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Two Photos Above Taken CPAC In February 2015
Together, We Can Overcome Socioeconomic
Oppression Resulting in Anarchy Worldwide Due To White European Christian Race Emasculation and
Disenfranchisement Resulting In Race Extinction!
Respectfully, Silvia Stagg
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Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric Power
HYDROELECTRIC POWER. The capability to produce and deliver
electricity for widespread consumption was one of the most important factors in
the surge of American economic influence and wealth in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries. Hydroelectric power, among the first and simplest of
the technologies that generated electricity, was initially developed using low
dams of rock, timber, or granite block construction to collect water from
rainfall and surface runoff into a reservoir. The water was funneled into a pipe
(or pen-stock) and directed to a waterwheel (or turbine) where the force of the
falling water on the turbine blades rotated the turbine and its main shaft. This
shaft was connected to a generator, and the rotating generator produced
electricity. One gallon (about 3.8 liters) of water falling 100 feet (about 30
meters) each second produced slightly more than 1,000 watts (or one kilowatt) of
electricity, enough to power ten 100-watt light
bulbs or a typical hairdryer.
There are now three types of hydroelectric installations: storage,
run-of-river, and pumped-storage facilities. Storage facilities use a dam to
capture water in a reservoir. This stored water is released from the reservoir
through turbines at the rate required to meet changing electricity needs or
other needs such as flood control, fish passage, irrigation, navigation, and
recreation. Run-of-river facilities use only the natural flow of the river to
operate the turbine. If the conditions are right, this type of project can be
constructed without a dam or with a low diversion structure to direct water from
the stream channel into a penstock. Pumped-storage facilities, an innovation of
the 1950s, have specially designed turbines. These turbines have the ability to
generate electricity the conventional way when water is delivered through
penstocks to the turbines from a reservoir. They can also be reversed and used
as pumps to lift water from the powerhouse back
up into the reservoir where the water is stored for later use. During the
daytime when electricity demand suddenly increases, the gates of the
pumped-storage facility are opened and stored water is released from the
reservoir to generate and quickly deliver electricity to meet the demand. At
night when electricity demand is lowest and there is excess electricity
available from coal or nuclear electricity generating facilities the turbines
are reversed and pump water back into the reservoir. Operating in this manner, a
pumped-storage facility improves the operating efficiency of all power plants
within an electric system. Hydroelectric developments provide unique benefits
not available with other electricity generating technologies. They do not
contribute to air pollution, acid rain, or ozone depletion, and do not produce
toxic wastes. As a part of normal operations many hydroelectric facilities also
provide flood control, water supply for drinking and irrigation, and
recreational opportunities such as fishing, swimming, water-skiing, picnicking,
camping, rafting, boating, and sightseeing.
Origins of the Hydroelectric Industry 1880–1930
Hydroelectric power technology
was slow to develop during the first ten years of the hydroelectric era
(1880– 1889) due to the limitations of direct current
electricity technology. Some pioneering hydro power developments using direct
current technology are described below.
The Grand Rapids Electric Light and Power Company in Michigan connected a
dynamo to a waterwheel for the Wolverine Chair Factory in July 1880 and this
installation powered 16 brush-arc lamps. A dynamo was connected to a hydro power turbine at Niagara Falls in 1881 to
power the arc lamps for the city streets.
The first hydroelectric power facility in the western United States was completed in
San Bernadino, California, in 1887. By 1889 there were about 200 small
electric generating facilities in the United States that used water for some
or all of their electricity production. The potential for increasing hydroelectric development was dramatically
enhanced in 1889 when alternating current technology was introduced, enabling
electricity to be conveyed economically over long distances.
The next 30 years of the modern era of hydroelectric development, 1890 to
1920, began with the construction of individual hydroelectric facilities by
towns, cities, cooperatives, and private manufacturing companies for their own
specific needs, and ended with the organization of the first utility system in
the country. Cities and towns used hydroelectric facilities to provide
electricity for trolley systems, streetlights, and individual customers.
brought together groups of individuals and businesses to establish a customer
pool that could finance and construct hydroelectric facilities for their own
needs. Hundreds of small factories and paper mills in New England, the South,
and throughout the Midwest constructed hydroelectric facilities for their own
specific industrial use. Just prior to World War I, Southern Power Company
purchased a large number of hydroelectric facilities from cites, towns,
cooperatives, and factories, and consolidated them into the first regional
utility power system in the United States. By 1920 hydroelectric facilities
supplied 25 percent of the electricity used in the United States.
The hydroelectric industry matured between 1920 and 1930. During this period,
electrical grid systems expanded, reaching more customers who were eager to
receive and use electricity. Industrial production grew to satisfy the demand
for consumer goods, requiring additional electricity. To meet the increasing
demand, town and city electrical systems and regional utility systems grew in
number and size throughout the more populated areas of the country. By 1930
hydroelectric facilities were delivering almost 30 percent of the nation's
electricity needs.
The Hydroelectric Industry Prospers 1930–1980
The hydroelectric industry prospered from 1930 to 1980 for a number of
reasons. Considerable federal funding was provided from 1930 through the 1960s
for the construction of large federal dams and hydroelectric facilities. A major
percentage of the massive increases in electricity required for wartime
production during the 1940s was met by the construction of a sizable number of
hydroelectric facilities; and to meet escalating electricity needs in response
to the dramatic expansion of consumer demand and industrial production
throughout the decades of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, many new electric
generating facilities, including hydroelectric developments, were
In the 1930s, major federal funding for new dam and hydroelectric facility
development was allocated for three locations: the Tennessee River under
authority of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the Colorado River under
authority of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau), and the Columbia River
under authority of the Bureau and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). The
TVA was established during the Great Depression in 1933 to develop multiple-use
water resource projects in the Tennessee River system and spur economic
development in Tennessee. It began construction in 1935 on a series of dams with
hydroelectric facilities, which included almost 30 dams by the time the system
was completed in 1956. Most of the TVA growth took place during World War II
when the electrical demand necessary to develop the atomic bomb in the region
surged by 600 percent between 1939 and 1945.
The Bureau, established in 1902 to promote the development of the western
United States through the construction of federal irrigation dams, completed the
world famous Hoover Dam on the Colorado River in 1936. Hoover Dam, which opened
three years ahead of schedule, was a public works project intended to relieve
unemployment during the Great Depression and provide critical electricity to
meet the growing needs of the City of Los Angeles, California. At the same time,
the Bureau and COE undertook the development of the great dams on the Columbia
River in the northwestern United States. Within six years of the initial
operation of Hoover, the Bureau completed Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River, still the largest dam in the northwestern United States. During the
mid-1940s, Grand Coulee supplied the electricity needed to produce planes and
other war material to support U.S. victory in World War II. Bonneville Dam,
completed in 1938 by the COE and also located on the Columbia River, was a
public works project to help relieve regional unemployment during the Great
Depression. Like Grand Couleee, Bonneville also supplied critical electricity in
support of World War II production efforts. In 1940 hydroelectric plants
supplied more than 35 percent of the nation's electricity.
Grand Coulee and Bonneville, along with the other large hydroelectric
projects constructed in the northwest region from the 1940s through the 1960s,
supplied between 80 and 90 percent of the electricity consumed in the states of
Washington and Oregon by 1980. However, the portion of the nation's electricity
supplied by hydroelectric facilities had declined to 12 percent. Federal support
for constructing dams where a hydroelectric plant could be included was
declining and initial steps were being taken to alter the primary mission of the
Bureau and COE from developing new projects to operating and maintaining
existing facilities.
Regulation of the Hydroelectric Industry 1899–1986
Hydroelectric power development has always been closely linked to political
influences. Federal recognition of the necessity to control development on the
nation's waterways began with the passage of the Rivers and Harbors Act in 1899,
less than twenty years after the appearance of the first hydroelectric facility.
The rapid expansion of interest in natural and water resources led to the
creation of the Inland Waterways Commission in 1907. This Commission issued a
report advocating a national policy to regulate development on streams or rivers
crossing public lands. A White House Natural Resources Conference the following
year proposed increased development of the nation's hydroelectric resources. As
a result, the Federal Water Power Act (FWPA) was passed in 1920, establishing
the Federal Power Commission (FPC) with the authority to issue licenses for
non-federal hydroelectric development on public lands and waterways. Recognizing
that the FWPA did not extend to all waterways, Congress enacted the Federal
Power Act (FPA) in 1935 to amend the FWPA. The FPA extended the FPC's authority
to all hydroelectric projects built by utilities engaged in interstate commerce.
The FPA also required that the effects of a project on other natural resources
be considered along with the electricity to be produced by the project.
From 1940 to 1980, twenty-two federal laws were passed that affect the
hydroelectric licensing decisions of the FPC (renamed the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission [FERC] in 1977). Included among these laws are the Fish
and Wildlife Coordination Act, Wilderness Act, National Historic Preservation
Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered
Species Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Soil and Water Resources
Conservation Act, Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, and Energy Security
Act. The enactment of these laws coincided with increasing concerns that
negative environmental consequences result from dam construction. These concerns
included flooding large land areas, disrupting the ecology and the habitat of
fish and wildlife, changing the temperature and oxygen balance of the river
water, creating a barrier to the movement of fish upstream and downstream, and
modifying river flows. By 1980 concerns that the salmon runs in the Columbia
River system were in jeopardy prompted congress to pass the Pacific Northwest
Power Planning and Conservation Act. This Act established the Northwest Power
Planning Council, which is responsible for the protection and recovery of salmon
runs in the Columbia River system. The implementation of many of these laws
resulted in a more complex and expensive process to obtain a license for a
hydroelectric facility.
The Hydroelectric Industry Stabilizes 1986–2000
The Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986, which increased the
focus on non-power issues in the hydroelectric licensing process, has
contributed to an increase in development costs to the point where new
hydroelectric facilities are often only marginally competitive with other
conventional electric generating technologies. Since 1986, the time required to
obtain a hydroelectric license has grown from two years to four years and the
licensing cost has doubled for projects of all sizes. Even with more efficient
technology, hydroelectric generation increased only slightly between 1986 and
2000. By 1986, the average size of all hydroelectric projects in the United
States was about 35,500 kilowatts. After 1986, new projects completing the
licensing and construction process average less than 5,000 kilowatts in
The recent availability of cheap natural gas and the minimal permitting
requirements for gas-fired electricity generating plants has resulted in a
dramatic increase in the construction of these plants. These gas-fired plants
are meeting the increasing electricity demand more economically than other
generating resources.
In today's climate of increased environmental awareness, the construction of
new dams is often viewed more negatively than in the past. Therefore, the
construction of a new dam for hydroelectric generation is rare. Only six
hydroelectric projects were constructed between 1991 and 2000 with new dam or
diversion structures and all of these structures are less than 30 feet (10
meters) in height. Hydroelectric facilities are installed at only about 2
percent of the nation's dams.
Present Geographical Distribution of the Industry
Almost 70 percent of all U.S. hydroelectric generation is produced in the
western United States during an average water year. The northwestern states of
Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho generate about 50 percent of all
hydroelectric output. The mountains are high and water is plentiful in this
region, yielding optimal conditions for hydroelectric generation. Another 20
percent of the nation's hydroelectric output occurs in the southwestern states
of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. While these
states have terrain similar to those in the northwest, the climate is drier. The
southeastern states of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida contribute about 10 percent of U.S.
hydroelectric production. This region includes large TVA and utility dams with
hydroelectric plants. The State of New York produces over 8 percent of the
nation's hydroelectricity. At a capacity of 2,500,000 kilowatts, the New York
Power Authority's Robert Moses Niagara hydroelectric project is the primary
contributor of this electricity. The remainder of the country produces 12
percent of U.S. hydroelectric generation.
The Financial Picture of the Hydroelectric Industry
The financial status of the hydroelectric industry is generally healthy due
to long equipment life and low maintenance and operating costs. Hydroelectric
facilities in the United States had total capital value in 2000 of about $159
billion based on average new facility costs compiled by DOE of $1,700 to $2,300
per kilowatt of capacity. The gross revenue for the industry in 2000 was about
$18 billion based on U.S. electricity production of 269 billion kilowatt hours
and DOE's $0.066/kilowatt hour estimate for the national average value of
electricity. Using DOE's data, net profit for the industry in 2000 was
calculated to be about $11 billion after deducting licensing and regulatory
costs (about $500 million), capital costs (about $4.6 billion), and operation
and maintenance costs (about $1.9 billion). In the mid-1990s, the hydroelectric
industry directly employed nearly 48,000 people and their earnings totaled
approximately $2.7 billion according to DOE. Another 58,000 people indirectly
provided services and material needed to operate and maintain hydroelectric dams
and generating facilities. Few businesses that are 125 years old are as
efficient and as important to the U.S. economy as the hydroelectric
Future Directions for the Hydroelectric Industry
The hydroelectric industry has been termed "mature" by some who charge that
the technical and operational aspects of the industry have changed little in the
past 60 years. Recent research initiatives counter this label by establishing
new concepts for design and operation that show promise for the industry. A
multi-year research project is presently testing new turbine designs and will
recommend a final turbine blade configuration that will allow safe passage of
more than 98 percent of the fish that are directed through the turbine. The DOE
also recently identified more than 30 million kilowatts of untapped
hydroelectric capacity that could be constructed with minimal environmental
effects at existing dams that presently have no hydroelectric generating
facilities, at existing hydroelectric projects with unused potential, and even at a number of sites without dams.
Follow-up studies will assess the economic issues associated with this untapped
hydroelectric resource. In addition, studies to estimate the hydroelectric
potential of undeveloped, small capacity, dispersed sites that could supply
electricity to adjacent areas without connecting to a regional electric
transmission distribution system are proceeding. Preliminary results from these
efforts have improved the visibility of hydroelectric power and provide
indications that the hydroelectric power industry will be vibrant and important
to the country throughout the next century.
Barnes, Marla. "Tracking the Pioneers of Hydroelectricity." Hydro
Review 16 (1997): 46.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Hydroelectric Power Resources of
the United States: Developed and Undeveloped. Washington, 1 January
———. Report on Hydroelectric Licensing Policies, Procedures, and
Regulations: Comprehensive Review and Recommendations Pursuant to Section 603 of
the Energy Act of 2000. Washington, May 2001.
Foundation for Water and Energy Education. Following Nature's Current:
Hydroelectric Power in the Northwest. Salem, Oregon, 1999.
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and United States Department of
Energy—Idaho Operations Office. Hydroelectric Power Industry Economic
Benefit Assessment. DOE/ID-10565.Idaho Falls, November 1996.
———. Hydropower Resources at Risk: The Status of Hydropower Regulation
and Development 1997. DOE/ID-10603.Idaho Falls, September 1997.
United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration.
Annual Energy Review 2000. DOE/EIA-0384 (2000).Washington, August
United States Department of Energy—Idaho Operations Office. Hydropower:
Partnership with the Environment. 01-GA50627. Idaho Falls, June 2001.
Richard T. Hunt
See also vol.
9:Power .
this article
Power." Dictionary of American History. 2003. 29 Apr. 2012 <>.
Hydroelectric Power
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The damming of streams and rivers has been an integral part of human
civilization from its early history. Controversy paralleled this use because
impounding and diverting water for upstream users affects those who live
downstream, and also modifies the local habitats of plants and animals.
Dams are built to control floods, improve navigation, provide a drinking-water
supply, create or enhance recreational opportunities, and provide water for
irrigation and other agricultural uses. A small percentage of dams (less than 3
percent in the United States) are used to generate power.
Above: Hydropower generates about 24 percent of the world's and 12
percent of the United States' electricity. Shown here are the massive turbines
inside a hydropower plant along Washington state's Spokane River.
Waterpower was the impetus that powered manufacturers who were building a growing nation during the U.S. Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century. Waterwheels used the power of river water
flowing downstream to turn machinery. Water continued to produce the largest
part of industrial power until after the Civil War (from 1861 to 1865) when it
diminished in importance. Yet waterpower would soon experience a rebirth in the
form of hydroelectric power. The modern terms "hydroelectric power" and
"hydropower" generally have the same meaning.
Coming of Age
At the beginning of the twentieth century, hydroelectric power in the United
States came of age with three events: the development of the electric generator;
improvements in the hydraulic turbine; and a growing demand for electricity. The
first commercial hydroelectric power plant was built in 1882 on the Fox River in
Appleton, Wisconsin, in order to provide 12.5 kilowatts of power to light
two paper mills and a residence. Paper manufacturer H. F. Rogers developed the
plant after seeing Thomas Edison's plans for an electricity power station in New
Early Twentieth Century.
Commercial power companies soon began to install
a large number of small hydroelectric plants in mountainous regions near
metropolitan areas. By 1920, hydroelectric plants accounted for 40 percent of
the electric power produced in the United States.
The creation of the Federal Power Commission in 1920 increased development of
hydroelectric power plants. The development of larger and more cost-efficient
power plants showed that monetary support by the federal
government was necessary for such hydroelectric plants to compete
effectively with other power-generating plants. Then in 1933 the government saw
that besides power production, hydroelectric power plants could also be
effectively used for flood control, navigation, and irrigation. As a result, the
government created the Tennessee Valley Authority in the southeastern United
States to develop large-scale waterpower projects. In the Pacific Northwest, the
Bonneville Power Administration, created in 1937, similarly focused on
electrifying farms and small communities with public power.
The Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River in Washington state
is a "run-of-the-river" hydroelectric dam operated by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. The Bonneville Power Administration, a federal agency located in the
Pacific Northwest, markets wholesale electricity and transmission from Lower
Granite and twenty-nine other federal dams. From left to right is the dam's
earthen embankment; locks; the spillway; and the powerhouse.
Hydroelectric power plants generally range in size from several hundred
kilowatts to several hundred megawatts , but a few enormous plants have
capacities near 10,000 megawatts in order to supply electricity to millions of
people. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, world
hydroelectric power plants have a combined capacity of 675,000 megawatts that
produces over 2.3 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year; supplying 24
percent of the world's electricity to more than 1 billion customers.
In many countries, hydroelectric power provides nearly all of the electrical
power. In 1998, the hydroelectric plants of Norway and the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (formerly Zaire) provided 99 percent of each country's power; and
hydroelectric plants in Brazil provided 91 percent of total used electricity.
In the United States, more than 2,000 hydropower plants make hydro-electric
power the country's largest renewable energy source (at 49 percent). The United
States increased its hydroelectric power generation from about 16 billion
kilowatt-hours in 1920 to nearly 306 billion kilowatt-hours in 1999. It runs a
close second to Canada in the total amount of hydroelectric power produced
worldwide. However, only 8 percent of the total U.S. electrical power was
generated by hydroelectric power plants in 1999.
The largest U.S. hydropower plant is the 6,800-megawatt Grand Coulee power
station on the Columbia River in Washington State. Completed in 1942, the Grand
Coulee today is one of the world's largest hydropower plants, behind the
13,320-megawatt Itaipu hydroelectric plant on the Paraná River between Paraguay
and Brazil. *
Canada is the world's largest hydroelectric power producer. In 1999, it
generated more than 340 billion kilowatt-hours of power, or 60 percent of its
electric power, far outdistancing the U.S. hydropower percentage. The former
Soviet Union, Brazil, China, and Norway are among the other top
hydroelectric-generating countries.
Hydropower functions by converting the energy in flowing water into
electricity. The volume of water flow and the height (called the head) from the
turbines in the power plant to the water surface created by the dam determines
the quantity of electricity generated. Simply, the greater the flow and the
taller the head means the more electricity produced.
The simple workings of a hydropower plant has water flowing through a dam,
which turns a turbine, which then turns a generator. A hydropower plant
(including a powerhouse) generally includes the following steps:
- The dam holds water back, and stores water upstream in a reservoir , or large artificial lake. The reservoir is often used for multiple purposes, such as the recreational Lake Roosevelt at the Grand Coulee Dam. Some hydroelectric dams do not impound water, but instead use the power of the flowing river, and are known as run-of-the-river.
- Gates open on the dam, allowing gravity to pull the water down through the penstock. An intake conduit carries water from the reservoir to turbines inside the powerhouse. Pressure builds up as water flows through the pipeline.
- The water then hits the large blades of the turbine , making them turn. The vertical blades are attached through a shaft to a generator located above. Each turbine can weigh as much as 172 tons and turn at a rate of 90 revolutions per minute.
- The turbine blades turn in unison with a series of magnets inside the generator. The large magnets rotate past copper coils, which produce alternating current (AC).
- The transformer inside the powerhouse takes the AC and converts it to higher-voltage current so as to allow electricity to flow to customers.
- Out of every power plant exit four power lines consisting of three wires (associated with three power phases) and a neutral (ground) wire.
- Used water is carried through outflow pipelines, which reenters the river downstream.
Impacts and Trends
Hydroelectric power is a clean source of renewable energy where an adequate
water source is readily available. Hydropower plants provide inexpensive
electricity without environmental pollution such as air emissions or waste
byproducts. And, unlike other energy sources such as fossil fuels , water
is not consumed during electrical production, but can be reused for other
However, hydropower plants that rely on impoundments can negatively affect
the reservoir site and the surrounding area. New reservoirs will permanently
flood valleys that may have contained towns, scenic locations, and farmland. The
permanent inundation also destroys fish and wildlife habitat that once existed
at the reservoir site; however, new and different habitat is created. Hydropower
operations that use run-of-the-river dams can block the passage of migrating
fish, such as salmon. For example, many large dams in the Columbia River Basin
impede Pacific salmon during their annual migrations through the river system.
Only 2,400 of the 80,000 dams in the United States are used for hydroelectric
power. It is costly to construct a new hydroelectric power plant, and
construction uses much water and land. In addition, environmental concerns have
been voiced against their use. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the
likely trend for the future is toward small-scale hydroelectric power plants
that can generate electricity for single communities.
; B
; E
William Arthur Atkins
Graham, Ian. Water Power. Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1999.
Kellert, Stephen R., ed. Macmillan Encyclopedia of the Environment,
vol. 3. New York: Macmillan Library Reference USA, 1997.
Internet Resources
Hydroelectric Power Water Use - U.S. Geological SurveyHydroelectric Power Water Use. Water Science for Schools, U.S. Geological Survey. <> .
International Small-Hydro Atlas. <> .
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Nov 24, 2010 @ 12:12 pm
can you name the top 10 countries powered by
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Water Science for Schools
Hydroelectric power water use
What percent of the nation's power do you think came from hydroelectric-power plants in 2006? | |
Hydroelectric power must be one of the oldest methods of producing power. No
doubt, Jack the Caveman stuck some sturdy leaves on a pole and put it in a
moving stream. The water would spin the pole that crushed grain to make their
delicious, low-fat prehistoric bran muffins. People have used moving water to
help them in their work throughout history, and modern people make great use of
moving water to produce electricity.
Hydroelectric power for the Nation
Although most energy in the United
States is produced by fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants, hydroelectricity is
still important to the Nation, as about 7 percent of total power is produced by
hydroelectric plants. Nowadays, huge power generators are placed inside dams. Water flowing through the dams
spin turbine blades (made out of metal instead of leaves) which are connected to
generators. Power is produced and is sent to homes and businesses.
World distribution of hydropower
- Hydropower is the most important and widely-used renewable source of energy.
- Hydropower represents 19% of total electricity production.
- China is the largest producer of hydroelectricity, followed by Canada, Brazil, and the United States (Source: Energy Information Administration).
- Approximately two-thirds of the economically feasible potential remains to be developed. Untapped hydro resources are still abundant in Latin America, Central Africa, India and China.
Producing electricity using hydroelectric power has some advantages over
other power-producing methods. Let's do a quick
Advantages to hydroelectric power:
- Fuel is not burned so there is minimal pollution
- Water to run the power plant is provided free by nature
- Hydropower plays a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Relatively low operations and maintenance costs
- The technology is reliable and proven over time
- It's renewable - rainfall renews the water in the reservoir, so the fuel is almost always there
Read an expanded list of advantages of
hydroelectric power from the Top World Conference on Sustainable
Development conference, Johannesburg, South Africa (2002)
Disadvantages to power plants that use coal, oil, and gas
- They use up valuable and limited natural resources
- They can produce a lot of pollution
- Companies have to dig up the Earth or drill wells to get the coal, oil, and gas
- For nuclear power plants there are waste-disposal problems
Hydroelectric power is not perfect, though, and does have
some disadvantages:/p>
- High investment costs
- Hydrology dependent (precipitation)
- In some cases, inundation of land and wildlife habitat
- In some cases, loss or modification of fish habitat
- Fish entrainment or passage restriction
- In some cases, changes in reservoir and stream water quality
- In some cases, displacement of local populations
Hydropower and the Environment
Hydropower is nonpolluting, but does have environmental impacts
Hydropower does not pollute the water or the air. However, hydropower
facilities can have large environmental impacts by changing the environment and
affecting land use, homes, and natural habitats in the dam area.
Most hydroelectric power plants have a dam and a reservoir. These structures
may obstruct fish migration and affect their populations. Operating a
hydroelectric power plant may also change the water temperature and the river's
flow. These changes may harm native plants and animals in the river and on land.
Reservoirs may cover people's homes, important natural areas, agricultural land,
and archeological sites. So building dams can require relocating people.
Methane, a strong greenhouse gas, may also form in some reservoirs and be
emitted to the atmosphere. (EPA Energy Kids)
Reservoir construction is "drying up" in the United States
Gosh, hydroelectric power sounds great
-- so why don't we use it to produce all of our power? Mainly because you need
lots of water and a lot of land where you can build a dam and reservoir, which all takes a LOT of money,
time, and construction. In fact, most of the good spots to locate hydro plants
have already been taken. In the early part of the century hydroelectric plants
supplied a bit less than one-half of the nation's power, but the number is down
to about 10 percent today. The trend for the future will probably be to build
small-scale hydro plants that can generate electricity for a single
As this chart shows, the construction of surface reservoirs has slowed
considerably in recent years. In the middle of the 20th Century, when
urbanization was occuring at a rapid rate, many reservoirs were constructed to
serve peoples' rising demand for water and power. Since about 1980, the rate of
reservoir construction has slowed considerably.
Typical hydroelectric powerplant
Hydroelectric energy is produced by the force of falling water. The capacity
to produce this energy is dependent on both the available flow and the height
from which it falls. Building up behind a high dam, water accumulates potential
energy. This is transformed into mechanical energy when the water rushes down
the sluice and strikes the rotary blades of turbine. The turbine's rotation
spins electromagnets which generate current in stationary coils of wire.
Finally, the current is put through a transformer where the voltage is increased
for long distance transmission over power lines. (Source: Environment
Hydroelectric-power production in the United States and the world
As this chart shows, in the United States, most states make some use of
hydroelectric power, although, as you can expect, states with low topographical
relief, such as Florida and Kansas, produce very little hydroelectric power. But
some states, such as Idaho, Washington, and Oregon use hydroelectricity as their
main power source. in 1995, all of Idaho's power came from hydroelectric
The second chart shows hydroelectric power generation in 2006 for the leading
hydroelectric-generating countries in the world. China has developed large
hydroelectric facilities in the last decade and now lead the world in
hydroelectricity usage. But, from north to south and from east to west,
countries all over the world make use of hydroelectricity—the main ingredients
are a large river and a drop in elevation (along with money, of course).
Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA):
Sources and more
- Sustainability of Ground-Water Resources, USGS Circular 1186
- The Foundation for Water Education and Energy (FWEE)
- EPA: Energy Kids
- World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO)
- The Nature of Water: Environment Canada
Tennessee Valley Authority - Hydroelectric Power
Hydroelectric Power
TVA hydroelectric facilities
Hydropower is America’s leading renewable energy resource. Of all
the renewable power sources, it’s the most reliable, efficient and economical.
TVA maintains 29 conventional hydroelectric dams throughout the Tennessee River
system and one pumped-storage facility for the production of electricity. In
addition, four Alcoa dams on the Little Tennessee River and eight U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers dams on the Cumberland River contribute to the TVA power
Download a high resolution version of this video (37 mb, Quicktime)
What is hydroelectric power?
Water is needed to run a hydroelectric generating unit. It’s held
in a lake behind the dam, and the force of the water being released from the
lake through the dam spins the blades of a turbine. The turbine is connected to
the generator
that produces electricity. After passing through the turbine, the water reenters
the river on the downstream side of the dam.
What is a pumped-storage plant?
A pumped-storage plant uses two reservoirs, one located at a much
higher elevation than the other. During periods of low demand for electricity,
such as nights and weekends, energy is stored by reversing the turbines and
pumping water from the lower to the upper reservoir. The stored water can later
be released to turn the turbines and generate electricity as it flows back into
the lower reservoir.
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